EXP2 - Week 3 - Textures

Week 3 - Textures

36 Custom Textures

Selected Textures

Electroliquid Aggregation

"The studio questions whether what should be built and what can be built are justified by their economic practicality and utilitarian qualities"

The electroliquid aggregation quotation relates to my model in such a way that the architecture is defined by its context. In other words, it was built in order to suit the needs and reflect the foundation of the university, as such, the following design aspects were incorporated:

Light Texture:

This texture was used for the curved roofs for both the bridge and the light rail station, the varied and parallel lines form a simplistic, yet abstract substance to materials, which subtly hints at the abstract thinking prevalent in university without overcrowding the material.
Medium Texture:

The Medium texture represents heritage which is a part of UNSW through traditions and maintained culture which is attempted to be encapsulated in the form of this tile.
Dark Texture:

The dark texture was used a large mural for the bridge of the design, as its texture mimics the notion of a brain in a creative and appealing way, which dominates the social space above.


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