EXP2 - Week 2 - Electroliquid Aggregation

Week 2 

Experiment 2 - Electroliquid Aggregation

Draft Model 1

“Architecture more than any other art form, is a social art and must rest on the social and cultural base of its time and place”


"Everyone both rich and poor deserves good design"



Draft Model 2

"The true vocabulary of architecture lies into the materials themselves. The building should remain dumb on the outside and contrast austere facades with lavish interiors"


"Progress of culture is associated with the deletion of ornament from everyday objects"



Chosen Model

"Buildings often composed of pure forms are justified by their economic practicality and utilitarian qualities."


"The studio questions what should be built rather than what can be built."


"The studio questions whether what should be built and what can be built are justified by their economic practicality and utilitarian qualities"

 +  =  


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